Over a dozen video's that I produced are uploaded to various online video hosting communities. The majority of them can be found at Metacafe and YouTube. Click a link below if anything appeals to you.
DIGITAL VIOLENCE------------------------
Violence in computer games and the negative effect it can pose to society, contains screenshots from many violent games. Its great fun in games but it worries me (as a Father) about the reforming of society this effect is having. Got me speaking out a poem in the background (uploaded in D poetry section)
http://www.metacafe.com/watch/815720/digital_violence/ |
FAKE DAYS AND FALSE NIGHTS --------------------------------------
humans have realised for sometime that we are all on an orb spinning around in space at thousands of miles an hour, however, we as a race do not yet have a true perspective of our placment in this massive. We can only start to imagine what is on the other side of this universe.
ALL I WANT IS PEACE... BUT ALL I GET IS WAR ---------------------------------------------------------
The UK's involvement in Iraq, etc after 9/11 opposed by moral belief from day one. Me and my Girlfriend marched on 2 antiwar protests in London, UK (clearly 2 million pissed off people parading around London wasn't enough - but at least we aired our views "MAKE TEA - NOT WAR".
Oh did I mention (knowing full well that I didn't) this piece of work contains a track by one of metals finest gods : Dave Mustaine [from Megadeth], namely "Devil's Island" (ie: our world and greedy US/UK fiends).
http://www.metacafe.com/watch/451838/anti_war_demo_all_i_want_is_peace_but_all_i_get_is_war/ |
CHOSEN PATH -----------------
Psychedelic - A great way to relax and unwind. Who needs LSD with visuals as cool as these. This video is a safe way to explore trippy art and won't end permant insanity or mandatory nut house containment (well hopefully not, PMSL)
CONSCIOUS AWARENESS ------------------------------
This addresses what it suggests - namely evolution and intelligence of our species. As you can tell from the stupidly long link it has subtitles in Russian, French & German. Sorry to the countries I missed. Translated my works by using -- www.translation2.paralink.com -- thanks to the authors of that site. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/509959/conscious_awareness_in_english_with_russian_german_and_frenc/ |
Planet Fungii ----------------
My bathroom spawned into a fungiitarium, this is a video and commentary on fungus and its world encumbering presence when left to manifest, with my skin cells and old bath water !!!
http://www.metacafe.com/watch/505630/planet_fungii/ |
DISCOBALL ---------------
Triptastic music and video with loads of mad colours and FX. Created by me and my good mate Trekster (aka MC Head)
http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1267453/discoball/ |
http://www.metacafe.com/watch/815720/digital_violence/ | FAKE DAYS AND FALSE NIGHTS --------------------------------------
humans have realised for sometime that we are all on an orb spinning around in space at thousands of miles an hour, however, we as a race do not yet have a true perspective of our placment in this massive. We can only start to imagine what is on the other side of this universe.
ALL I WANT IS PEACE... BUT ALL I GET IS WAR ---------------------------------------------------------
| The UK's involvement in Iraq, etc after 9/11 opposed by moral belief from day one. Me and my Girlfriend marched on 2 antiwar protests in London, UK (clearly 2 million pissed off people parading around London wasn't enough - but at least we aired our views "MAKE TEA - NOT WAR".
Oh did I mention (knowing full well that I didn't) this piece of work contains a track by one of metals finest gods : Dave Mustaine [from Megadeth], namely "Devil's Island" (ie: our world and greedy US/UK fiends).
http://www.metacafe.com/watch/451838/anti_war_demo_all_i_want_is_peace_but_all_i_get_is_war/ | CHOSEN PATH -----------------
Psychedelic - A great way to relax and unwind. Who needs LSD with visuals as cool as these. This video is a safe way to explore trippy art and won't end permant insanity or mandatory nut house containment (well hopefully not, PMSL)
CONSCIOUS AWARENESS ------------------------------
| This addresses what it suggests - namely evolution and intelligence of our species. As you can tell from the stupidly long link it has subtitles in Russian, French & German. Sorry to the countries I missed. Translated my works by using -- www.translation2.paralink.com -- thanks to the authors of that site. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/509959/conscious_awareness_in_english_with_russian_german_and_frenc/ | Planet Fungii ----------------
My bathroom spawned into a fungiitarium, this is a video and commentary on fungus and its world encumbering presence when left to manifest, with my skin cells and old bath water !!! http://www.metacafe.com/watch/505630/planet_fungii/ |
| INSECT-0-MANIAC -----------------------
I like this, had a lot of laughs putting it together. A story about a half person, half insect person. Their life comprises of living around bin lids collecting disregarded Sunday dinners. Stupid - pure me.
| http://www.metacafe.com/watch/471599/insect_o_maniac/ |
http://www.metacafe.com/watch/815720/digital_violence/ | FAKE DAYS AND FALSE NIGHTS --------------------------------------
humans have realised for sometime that we are all on an orb spinning around in space at thousands of miles an hour, however, we as a race do not yet have a true perspective of our placment in this massive. We can only start to imagine what is on the other side of this universe.
ALL I WANT IS PEACE... BUT ALL I GET IS WAR ---------------------------------------------------------
| The UK's involvement in Iraq, etc after 9/11 opposed by moral belief from day one. Me and my Girlfriend marched on 2 antiwar protests in London, UK (clearly 2 million pissed off people parading around London wasn't enough - but at least we aired our views "MAKE TEA - NOT WAR".
Oh did I mention (knowing full well that I didn't) this piece of work contains a track by one of metals finest gods : Dave Mustaine [from Megadeth], namely "Devil's Island" (ie: our world and greedy US/UK fiends).
http://www.metacafe.com/watch/451838/anti_war_demo_all_i_want_is_peace_but_all_i_get_is_war/ | CHOSEN PATH -----------------
Psychedelic - A great way to relax and unwind. Who needs LSD with visuals as cool as these. This video is a safe way to explore trippy art and won't end permant insanity or mandatory nut house containment (well hopefully not, PMSL)
CONSCIOUS AWARENESS ------------------------------
| This addresses what it suggests - namely evolution and intelligence of our species. As you can tell from the stupidly long link it has subtitles in Russian, French & German. Sorry to the countries I missed. Translated my works by using -- www.translation2.paralink.com -- thanks to the authors of that site. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/509959/conscious_awareness_in_english_with_russian_german_and_frenc/ | Planet Fungii ----------------
My bathroom spawned into a fungiitarium, this is a video and commentary on fungus and its world encumbering presence when left to manifest, with my skin cells and old bath water !!! http://www.metacafe.com/watch/505630/planet_fungii/ |
| De-Gravitation-Alised -------------------------- | Another personal favourite. Not being modest I think this is one of my finest demos, to think I done the music and visuals astounds even me. (20 years after the C64 demo releases I am now able to say I have the same niche, talent, computing brilliance as they did (and still do in retrovideogame heaven).
Think Twice, Shades, Fairlight 242 (Amiga), Farm Song II - all class demos, with so many thosands more.
So if you liked all the scrolly colours and psychedelic stuff this is for you - ESPECIALLY from SMAZOGZ and his INFINITUUM OF THOUGHT.
http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1315180/de_gravitation_alised/ |
Digital Realms ------------------
More triptastic visuals and auditory incoherence !?!?!
Drone Zone -------------
Can't explain Drone Zone now as my brain has Droned out...... More to follow...
http://www.metacafe.com/watch/466718/bird_flew_bird_flu/ |
http://www.metacafe.com/watch/471710/humanalien/ |
http://www.metacafe.com/watch/433940/the_kittywitches_of_great_yarmouth/ |
http://www.metacafe.com/watch/466690/tribal_tapestry/ |
http://www.metacafe.com/watch/854229/witches_moon_the_trial/ |
http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1315702/gene_us/ |
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