Baby Jabey
Our little Baby Jabey is such a splendid miniature chap
Laughing and almost speaking, bringing laughter aplenty
Always on top of the world, much loved by his Mum and Dad
Running around, playing shaking games with his head
From the moment he gets up, to the point at which he goes to bed
Milk is his favourite drink, into the teat his teeth sink
Quiet, happy and contented, he sits and suckles away
Off to a farmyard, feeding the ponies his sweets
Such a nice natured little lad, he brings a tear to my eye
Looking at him I now understand why
From that little red faced, screaming bundle, fresh from Mummy's tum
Into what he has become
He is a miracle in progress, divine as the Niagara falls
He is the apple of my eye, soaring above the highest walls
He is asleep after playing too much, his cot by our bed calls
He is dreaming now of today and tomorrow
Laughing in his dreams at the feats he has successfully undertaken
Clapping in self admiration as he clip clops and rocks back and forth
On top of the world, our wonderful sun, growing magnetic North
Then, on his second Christmas his little hands unwrap his own presents
Then, his delight ricochets from within his eyes, holding high his new toy
A squeaky, talking teddy bear is being smiled at and Jabe talks back
Absolutely filled to bursting with happiness as we look at each other and nod
We have created such a buoyant little creature, he is the biggest treasure in the world
Our little Baby Jabey comes running up, a warm cup of tea in his plastic, capped cup
Bouncing it up and down on the settee, making us wet and laugh out loud
It is impossible to tell that little, gleaming Baby Jabey off
His eyes are always full of laughter, unless he needs something
Walking up and down the garden path, pointing at the garden gnomes
We all love you Baby Jabey
You are so exceptional and so fine
It is wonderful to think that this family is mine
Written by : Andrew Smazogz
17th Nov 2000
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